Making Accessible Content Content Creators Guide

Sep 15, 2022

Globally, there are over one billion people with disabilities. That’s 15% of the population. Worldwide, there are also over one billion monthly Instagram users, 1.9 billion daily Facebook users, and 2.91 billion monthly YouTube users. These groups both have a massive population which is bound to cross over. So, it would make sense that all social media is made accessible, right? Unfortunately, this is not always the case.

A content creator’s aim is to make content that can be enjoyed by as large of an audience as possible. Therefore, it’s in your best interest as well as your moral responsibility to create content that is accessible to individuals with different disabilities and impairments. It’s stated that 71% of individuals who find a piece of digital content inaccessible wouldn’t put a complaint forward about it. Instead, they would just leave. Making your content inaccessible simply means that you’re losing out on a massive potential audience. On top of this, you’re depriving people with disabilities from consuming the content they want to.

Digital accessibility is about ensuring that there are no barriers that hinder people with disabilities from using the web. This includes features that hinder interaction with, or prevent access to web pages, apps, or other digital technologies. The UN states that digital accessibility is a human right. Therefore, digital accessibility compliance should not only be applied commercially but also personally via social media.

If you don’t have experience creating accessibility-friendly content, things can seem slightly confusing and overwhelming. It’s often difficult to know where to start. That’s why we’ve made an easy-to-follow guide that breaks it down for you step by step. We’ve separated the guides by the type of content so you can find what you’re looking for without hassle.

Content Creators Guide to Creating Accessible Content: