Invalid CSS color Web Standard
Invalid CSS color value.
CSS colors can be specified as:
- Hex colors must be #rgb or #rrggbb using only the hex digits 0-9 and A-F
- RGB() colors must be three integers (0-255) or three percentages
- RGBA() colors must be three integers (0-255) or three percentages, followed by an alpha value between 0.0 and 1.0
- HSL() colors must be a number (or angle) followed by two percentages
- HSLA() colors must be a number (or angle) followed by two percentages and an alpha value between 0.0 and 1.0
- Named colors must use one of the 150 named CSS colors (black, white, red, transparent...)
Applicable standards
- CSS Validation
Change history
- 5.28 Dec 2017 Added.
This page describes a web site issue detected by SortSite Desktop and OnDemand Suite.
Rule ID: W3cCssBadColor