without alternative content
Accessibility Checkpoint
element must have alternative content.
To cater for screen readers that don’t support frames, place some text in the iframe
element. For example: <iframe src='file.htm'>Alternative content</iframe>
Applicable standards
- Section 508 (2000) 1194.22 (a)
- WCAG 1.0 (Success Criteria: 1.1 level A)
Change history
- 5.9 Jun 2015 Removed since all modern screen readers support IFRAMEs, but only JAWS 15 with IE11 reads IFRAME fallback content.
- 5.5 May 2014 Fixed false positive on zero sized frames.
- 5.3 Sep 2013 Fixed false negative and no longer fires for WCAG 2 (since it’s an advisory technique).
- 5.1 Jan 2013 Don’t trigger for dynamically inserted content.
- 3.0 Dec 2008 Now triggers WCAG2 issue.
- 2.0 Dec 2007 Now triggers Section 508 issue.
- 1.0 Feb 2007 Added.
This page describes a web site issue detected in HTML documents by SortSite Desktop and OnDemand Suite.
Rule ID: AccWcag1-1.1.7