PowerMapper Desktop version history

Our version numbers consists of 4 parts: Change.Release.Build.Patch

  • Change only changes if compatibility is affected (e.g. when the file format changes)
  • Release is the major version number - changes each maintenance release
  • Build is the build number - changes every release and is different on Mac and Windows for the same release version
  • Patch is always zero

6.52 Maintenance Release

Version: 6.52.986.0
Platform: Windows
Date: April 26, 2024


  • Fixed robots.txt processing of /core/*.css?
  • Various stability fixes and performance improvements

6.51 Maintenance Release

Version: 6.51.980.0
Platform: Windows
Date: December 19, 2023


  • Various stability fixes and performance improvements

6.50 Maintenance Release

Version: 6.50.970.0
Platform: Windows
Date: October 5, 2023


  • Ignore meta redirects inside noscript
  • Various stability fixes and performance improvements

6.49 Maintenance Release

Version: 6.49.962.0
Platform: Windows
Date: May 31, 2023


  • Various stability fixes and performance improvements

6.48 Maintenance Release

Version: 6.48.956.0
Platform: Windows
Date: March 11, 2023


  • Various stability fixes and performance improvements

6.47 Maintenance Release

Version: 6.47.952.0
Platform: Windows
Date: December 20, 2022


  • Various stability fixes and performance improvements

6.46 Maintenance Release

Version: 6.46.946.0
Platform: Windows
Date: September 13, 2022


  • Fixed some minor high contrast and dark mode issues
  • Fixed issue running second instance of app when Edge WebView2 104 is installed
  • Various stability fixes and performance improvements

6.45 Maintenance Release

Version: 6.45.942.0
Platform: Windows
Date: July 4, 2022


  • Various stability fixes and performance improvements

6.44 Maintenance Release

Version: 6.44.938.0
Platform: Windows
Date: March 31, 2022


  • Various stability fixes and performance improvements
  • Aligned robots.txt processing with Googlebot and latest IETF draft

6.43 Maintenance Release

Version: 6.43.934.0
Platform: Windows
Date: December 28, 2021


  • Various stability fixes and performance improvements

6.42 Maintenance Release

Version: 6.42.924.0
Platform: Windows
Date: October 30, 2021


  • Various stability fixes and performance improvements

6.41 Maintenance Release

Version: 6.41.914.0
Platform: Windows
Date: July 30, 2021

New Features

  • Improved SVG graphics


  • Various stability fixes and performance improvements

6.40 Maintenance Release

Version: 6.40.904.0
Platform: Windows
Date: January 31, 2021

New Features

  • Align meta refresh parsing with HTML Standard
  • User interface updated to match Mac version
  • Improved app appearance on high DPI displays
  • Improved appearance in Windows high contrast mode
  • Added support for Chromium WebView2 (https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-edge/webview2/)
  • Improved map styles with SVG rendering
  • Added SVG map export
  • Now uses same EULA as SortSite
  • Trial is now limited to scanning 100 pages to match SortSite
  • Updated file format (PowerMapper 5 cannot read files saved by PowerMapper 6)


  • Various stability fixes and performance improvements

5.39 Maintenance Release

Version: 5.39.884.0
Platform: Windows
Date: November 6, 2020


  • Fixed out of memory issue affecting some sites
  • Handle deprecated HTML5 encodings like Windows-1252
  • Various stability fixes and performance improvements

5.38 Maintenance Release

Version: 5.38.880.0
Platform: Windows
Date: July 31, 2020

New Features

  • Align meta refresh parsing with HTML Standard


  • Adding a link block for a single resource on a CDN sometimes blocked all resources on the CDN
  • Various stability fixes and performance improvements

5.37 Maintenance Release

Version: 5.37.874.0
Platform: Windows
Date: May 31, 2020

New Features

  • Link extraction from sitemap.xml
  • Improved link extraction from DOM


  • Various stability fixes and performance improvements

5.36 Maintenance Release

Version: 5.36.866.0
Platform: Windows
Date: January 31, 2020


  • Various stability fixes and performance improvements

5.35 Maintenance Release

Version: 5.35.860.0
Platform: Windows
Date: October 31, 2019


  • Bring robots.txt processing into alignment with draft RFC
  • Various stability fixes and performance improvements

5.34 Maintenance Release

Version: 5.34.854.0 unsupported
Platform: Windows
Date: July 29, 2019


  • Various stability fixes and performance improvements

5.33 Maintenance Release

Version: 5.33.842.0 unsupported
Platform: Windows
Date: April 30, 2019


  • Flash SWF is disabled by default in preparation for Flash end of life in 2020
  • Various stability fixes and performance improvements

5.32 Maintenance Release

Version: 5.32.838.0 unsupported
Platform: Windows
Date: February 14, 2019

New Features

  • Updated scheduler in Pro edition with improved Windows 10 support


  • Various stability fixes and performance improvements

5.31 Maintenance Release

Version: 5.31.830.0 unsupported
Platform: Windows
Date: November 23, 2018


  • Various stability fixes and performance improvements

5.30 Maintenance Release

Version: 5.30.822.0 unsupported
Platform: Windows
Date: July 31, 2018


  • Server Busy dialog sometimes appeared on Windows 10 when basic authentication login window was shown
  • Various stability fixes

5.29 Maintenance Release

Version: 5.29.818.0 unsupported
Platform: Windows
Date: May 14, 2018

New Features

  • Better MIME sniffing when Content-Type header missing


  • Handle invalid UTF-8 sequences in Chinese PDF documents
  • Various stability fixes

5.28 Maintenance Release

Version: 5.28.810.0 unsupported
Platform: Windows
Date: December 31, 2017


  • Various stability fixes

5.27 Maintenance Release

Version: 5.27.804.0 unsupported
Platform: Windows
Date: October 3, 2017

New Features

  • Improved display of URLs in Arabic and Hebrew
  • Improved scan performance


  • Aligned robots.txt processing with Google's robots.txt specification
  • Various stability fixes

5.26 Maintenance Release

Version: 5.26.790.0 unsupported
Platform: Windows
Date: July 31, 2017

New Features

  • Various performance enhancements


  • Better detection of duplicate pages
  • Various stability fixes

5.25 Maintenance Release

Version: 5.25.784.0 unsupported
Platform: Windows
Date: April 28, 2017

New Features

  • Various performance enhancements


  • Various stability fixes

5.24 Maintenance Release

Version: 5.24.780.0 unsupported
Platform: Windows
Date: December 27, 2016

New Features

  • Various performance enhancements


  • Various stability fixes

5.23 Maintenance Release

Version: 5.23.772.0 unsupported
Platform: Windows
Date: October 2, 2016

New Features

  • Export filename now based on site name


  • Various stability fixes
  • Didn't reset all settings in Factory Reset
  • Fixed layout problem with high resolution displays on Windows

5.22 Maintenance Release

Version: 5.22.764.0 unsupported
Platform: Windows
Date: July 5, 2016

New Features

  • Reduced memory requirements on large sites


  • Various stability fixes

5.21 Maintenance Release

Version: 5.21.754.0 unsupported
Platform: Windows
Date: March 30, 2016

New Features

  • Much faster starting app


  • Blocked links were ignored for 301 and 302 redirects
  • Various stability fixes

5.20 Maintenance Release

Version: 5.20.748.0 unsupported
Platform: Windows
Date: January 28, 2016

New Features

  • Changed default graphics for 3D Buttons style


  • Was unable to scan pages that returned '201 Created' HTTP code instead of '200 OK'
  • Display warning if user tries to check Welcome page of application
  • Various stability fixes

5.19 Maintenance Release

Version: 5.19.736.0 unsupported
Platform: Windows
Date: October 2, 2015


  • Fixed drawing problem with 3D buttons style on large sites
  • Problem extracting links from pages with invalid HEAD element
  • Cancelling a scan on a large site could take a long time

5.18 Maintenance Release

Version: 5.18.726.0 unsupported
Platform: Windows
Date: June 30, 2015

New Features

  • Converted all site maps to HTML5


  • Better help if site is blocked due to robots.txt
  • Fixed problem with some JavaScript links being case folded
  • Fixed hex entity handling in links

5.17 Maintenance Release

Version: 5.17.718.0 unsupported
Platform: Windows
Date: March 30, 2015

New Features

  • Higher quality (24-bit) thumbnails
  • Changed default map font to Arial
  • Added more control over applying JavaScript DOM changes to Options window
  • Removed obsolete Java applet and CGI scripts options (can be done via blocked links)


  • Redirected pages display redirected URL instead of original URL
  • Improvements handling AngularJS sites

5.16 Maintenance Release

Version: 5.16.704.0 unsupported
Platform: Windows
Date: December 30, 2014

New Features

  • Various minor UI enhancements


  • Fixed issue extracting links from some invalid HTML files
  • Treat `http://www.example.com` and `http://www.example.com:80` as same site, but `http://www.example.com:888` as different site

5.15 Maintenance Release

Version: 5.15.690.0 unsupported
Platform: Windows
Date: September 17, 2014


  • Fixed crash when drawing some large maps

5.14 Maintenance Release

Version: 5.14.678.0 unsupported
Platform: Windows
Date: May 22, 2014

New Features

  • Added Factory Reset button to Options window
  • Added Additional URLs box to the New window
  • End of scan notification if app is in background
  • Modernized default user agent string

5.13 Maintenance Release

Version: 5.13.668.0 unsupported
Platform: Windows
Date: February 14, 2014

New Features

  • Added Open in New Window to right-click menu
  • Added Check for Updates command to Help menu


  • Stability improvements

5.12 Maintenance Release

Version: 5.12.642.0 unsupported
Platform: Windows
Date: September 19, 2013

New Features

  • Much faster scanning some sites that were very slow to scan in previous versions


  • Allow long user agent strings to be pasted into Options window
  • Treat robots.txt 401s and 403s the same as 404s
  • Problem detecting broken links on sites that alias /page-name to /page-name/ and redirect from one to the other
  • Crash when printing empty map with no pages

5.11 Maintenance Release

Version: 5.11.618.0 unsupported
Platform: Windows
Date: May 29, 2013

New Features

  • Can now pause scans
  • Exported HTML files are saved into a newly created sub-directory


  • Prevent PC going to sleep during a scan (unless battery low)
  • Page title ignored if preceded by script tag containing script tag embedded in a JavaScript string
  • Thousands separator in imported CSVs was interpreted as decimal point on some locale settings
  • Handle old-style Mac OS 9 line endings in imported CSVs (Linux and macOS line endings already worked)
  • Improved stability in low memory conditions

5.10 Maintenance Release

Version: 5.10.598.0 unsupported
Platform: Windows
Date: February 4, 2013

New Features

  • Map structuring algorithm now uses site navigation bar as a structuring hint


  • Links with query parameters sometimes not extracted correctly from PDF files
  • Performance enhancements scanning large documents

5.9 Maintenance Release

Version: 5.9.592.0 unsupported
Platform: Windows
Date: November 14, 2012

New Features

  • Performance improvements (33% faster scanning some sites)


  • Fixed GDI resources leak in 3D Buttons style
  • Fixed excessive memory use on some sites

5.8 Maintenance Release

Version: 5.8.564.0 unsupported
Platform: Windows
Date: June 12, 2012

New Features

  • Improved short title generation


  • Switching tabs in options window added duplicate items to user agent dropdown
  • Fixed poor performance scanning PDFs with hundreds of pages

5.7 Maintenance Release

Version: 5.7.540.0 unsupported
Platform: Windows
Date: February 29, 2012

New Features

  • Added View Source command to right click menu


  • Handle zero sized thumbnail images caused by buggy display driver
  • Avoid blank thumbnail images on pages that only contain Flash movies or META refresh directives

5.6 Maintenance Release

Version: 5.6.524.0 unsupported
Platform: Windows
Date: November 18, 2011

New Features

  • Added "Zoom" command to toolbar


  • 100% CPU processing HTML files containing very large base 64 XML data islands
  • Missing down arrow graphic on View Schedule page
  • F1 key in New and about windows displayed an error message
  • URLs typed into New window now added to recent URLs list

5.5 Maintenance Release

Version: 5.5.500.0 unsupported
Platform: Windows
Date: August 5, 2011

New Features

  • Added "Copy Link Address" command to context menu
  • Added auto complete for forms


  • Handle pages that specify different charsets in HTTP headers and META tags
  • Excel Link Report export now much faster
  • Some CSV exports contained duplicate rows for page titles with unusual characters like the TM symbol

5.4 Maintenance Release

Version: 5.4.460.0 unsupported
Platform: Windows
Date: April 2, 2011

New Features

  • Allow custom user agent to be specified


  • Trim whitespace from end of blocked links
  • Surround URLs in quotes in exported CSV files
  • Handle UTF-8 byte order mark when HTML charset not specified
  • Don't include 404 links in exported Google Sitemaps
  • Fix scrolling issue when expanding Tree View and Tree View 2.0 styles

5.3 Maintenance Release

Version: 5.3.432.0 unsupported
Platform: Windows
Date: December 1, 2010

New Features

  • Font style and color settings for all map styles
  • Add notes export to Excel CSV export formats
  • Now reports list of pages blocked by robots.txt


  • Some deep pages not displayed on Table Map and Yehaa map styles

5.2 Maintenance Release

Version: 5.2.418.0 unsupported
Platform: Windows
Date: August 31, 2010

New Features

  • Added support for Lotus Domino
  • Added Edit Notes and Delete Page commands to popup menu
  • Added custom thumbnail size setting
  • Added "Automatic Login" option
  • Added support for Windows-1256 (Arabic) and Windows-1255, ISO-8859-8 (Hebrew) charsets
  • Navigation tree expansion state now saved
  • Export and import page titles to CSV (allows batch editing in Excel)
  • Moved Back to Map command to Back button dropdown


  • Drag and drop sometimes behaved unexpectedly in 5.1
  • Disable unsupported export formats rather than warning they're unsupported
  • Print always disabled for maps with pathnames containing accented characters
  • Some changes not flagged as changes until map refreshed when Manual Refresh was set

5.1 Maintenance Release

Version: 5.1.362.0 unsupported
Platform: Windows
Date: March 14, 2010

New Features

  • Enhanced printing options (Margins and Fit Each Page)
  • Added color coding to Thermometer graph style
  • Print Preview defaults to showing 2 pages side by side
  • Allow #anchor links to be blocked


  • Trial version issue exporting CSV files from sites with robots.txt file
  • Issue importing some XML files
  • Intermittent I/O pending error message when doing two Save As commands in a row
  • Include PDFs in Google sitemaps
  • Stability improvements
  • Pages that timed out during download showed as OK in Page Issues window
  • Not following links in some SWF files
  • Print layout problems in some map styles
  • Page header M of N pages wrong when range of pages printed
  • Page count in Site Properties tab wrong if site has redirected pages

5.0 Maintenance Release

Version: 5.0.340.0 unsupported
Platform: Windows
Date: December 1, 2009

New Features

  • Additional map styles
  • Import analytics or SEO data from XML or CSV
  • Visualize analytics or SEO data using DataMaps
  • Add notes to maps
  • Extract links from Flash sites
  • Resizable page thumbnails
  • Support for non-European character sets including Japanese, Chinese and Korean
  • User interface improvements including customizable toolbars and new map wizard
  • Export meta data
  • Support for Windows 7


  • Much faster making changes to map styles

4.19 Maintenance Release

Version: unsupported
Platform: Windows
Date: May 29, 2009

New Features

  • Enhanced Excel Site Tree export
  • Enhanced Find Page command
  • Improved site structuring


  • Problem printing Thumb Tree and Electrum 2.0 styles
  • Double dot appearing in export file names

4.18 Maintenance Release

Version: unsupported
Platform: Windows
Date: April 15, 2009

New Features

  • Highlight pages on map when clicking on pages in outline view
  • Added Excel Link Report export
  • Added Excel Site Tree export


  • Excess use of disk space scanning large sites
  • "Not enough system resources" message on some machines
  • Crash on sites with malformed A tag on home page

4.17 Maintenance Release

Version: unsupported
Platform: Windows
Date: December 9, 2008

New Features

  • Highlight pages on map when clicking on pages in outline view
  • Added Excel Link Report export
  • Added Excel Site Tree export


  • Improved stability in low memory conditions
  • Treat /news.htm as parent of /news/aug.htm
  • Fixed hang affecting some sites

4.16 Maintenance Release

Version: unsupported
Platform: Windows
Date: October 22, 2008

New Features

  • Find Page command on right click menu
  • Use site directory structure to guide map structure


  • Accented French/German characters were dropped in CSV export
  • HEAD start tag was missing on some map styles (though it's optional in HTML4)
  • Reduced memory consumption when drawing large maps
  • Prevent saving a SortSite report over a PowerMapper site map
  • Fixed a race condition when logging was turned off while writing to log

6.52 Maintenance Release

Version: 6.52.1986.0
Platform: macOS
Date: June 11, 2024


  • Fixed robots.txt processing of /core/*.css?
  • Various stability fixes and performance improvements

6.51 Maintenance Release

Version: 6.51.1980.0
Platform: macOS
Date: January 4, 2024

New Features

  • Scan Options window updated to match Windows and Web editions


  • Various stability fixes and performance improvements

6.50 Maintenance Release

Version: 6.50.1972.0
Platform: macOS
Date: October 17, 2023


  • Fix instability caused by faulty system library in macOS 14
  • Ignore meta redirects inside noscript
  • Various stability fixes and performance improvements

6.49 Maintenance Release

Version: 6.49.1962.0 unsupported
Platform: macOS
Date: July 11, 2023


  • Various stability fixes and performance improvements

6.48 Maintenance Release

Version: 6.48.1956.0 unsupported
Platform: macOS
Date: April 17, 2023

New Features

  • Configurable thumbnail size for site maps


  • Various stability fixes and performance improvements

6.47 Maintenance Release

Version: 6.47.1952.0 unsupported
Platform: macOS
Date: February 6, 2023


  • Various stability fixes and performance improvements

6.46 Maintenance Release

Version: 6.46.1942.0 unsupported
Platform: macOS
Date: October 11, 2022


  • Fixed some minor high contrast and dark mode issues
  • Various stability fixes and performance improvements

6.45 Maintenance Release

Version: 6.45.1940.0 unsupported
Platform: macOS
Date: July 20, 2022


  • Various stability fixes and performance improvements

6.44 Maintenance Release

Version: 6.44.1936.0 unsupported
Platform: macOS
Date: May 26, 2022


  • Aligned robots.txt processing with Googlebot and latest IETF draft
  • Implemented support for mapping sites with non-persistent authentication cookies
  • Various stability fixes and performance improvements

6.43 Maintenance Release

Version: 6.43.1934.0 unsupported
Platform: macOS
Date: January 31, 2021


  • Various stability fixes and performance improvements

6.42 Maintenance Release

Version: 6.42.1926.0 unsupported
Platform: macOS
Date: November 22, 2021


  • Print... and Find... didn't work on macOS 11/12
  • Various stability fixes and performance improvements

6.41 Maintenance Release

Version: 6.41.1914.0 unsupported
Platform: macOS
Date: September 16, 2021

New Features

  • Improved SVG graphics


  • Various stability fixes and performance improvements

6.40 Maintenance Release

Version: 6.40.1908.0 unsupported
Platform: macOS
Date: June 30, 2021

New Features

  • Align meta refresh parsing with HTML Standard
  • Improved map styles with SVG rendering
  • Trial is now limited to scanning 100 pages to match SortSite
  • Updated file format (PowerMapper 5 cannot read files saved by PowerMapper 6)


  • Various stability fixes and performance improvements

5.39 Maintenance Release

Version: 5.39.1886.0 unsupported
Platform: macOS
Date: November 20, 2020


  • Various stability fixes and performance improvements

5.38 Maintenance Release

Version: 5.38.1880.0 unsupported
Platform: macOS
Date: August 26, 2020

New Features

  • Align meta refresh parsing with HTML Standard


  • Adding a link block for a single resource on a CDN sometimes blocked all resources on the CDN
  • Various stability fixes and performance improvements

5.37 Maintenance Release

Version: 5.37.1874.0 unsupported
Platform: macOS
Date: June 27, 2020

New Features

  • Link extraction from sitemap.xml
  • Improved link extraction from DOM


  • Various stability fixes and performance improvements

5.36 Maintenance Release

Version: 5.36.1866.0 unsupported
Platform: macOS
Date: February 10, 2020


  • Various stability fixes and performance improvements

5.35 Maintenance Release

Version: 5.35.1862.0 unsupported
Platform: macOS
Date: November 21, 2019

New Features

  • Legacy plugins are disabled (no longer supported by Safari/Chrome/Firefox)


  • Bring robots.txt processing into alignment with draft RFC
  • Various stability fixes and performance improvements

5.34 Maintenance Release

Version: 5.34.1854.0 unsupported
Platform: macOS
Date: August 28, 2019


  • Various stability fixes and performance improvements

5.33 Maintenance Release

Version: 5.33.1838.0 unsupported
Platform: macOS
Date: June 11, 2019


  • Scanning Flash SWF is disabled by default in preparation for Flash end of life in 2020
  • Various stability fixes and performance improvements

5.32 Maintenance Release

Version: 5.32.1836.0 unsupported
Platform: macOS
Date: March 18, 2019


  • Fix redirects where Content-Type changed during redirect
  • Various stability fixes and performance improvements

5.31 Maintenance Release

Version: 5.31.1826.0 unsupported
Platform: macOS
Date: November 22, 2018

New Features

  • Added support for Dark Mode in macOS Mojave (version 10.14)


  • Fixes for various crashes affecting macOS Mojave (version 10.14)
  • Various stability fixes and performance improvements

5.30 Maintenance Release

Version: 5.30.1808.0 unsupported
Platform: macOS
Date: August 6, 2018


  • Various stability fixes

5.29 Maintenance Release

Version: 5.29.1806.0 unsupported
Platform: macOS
Date: May 17, 2018

New Features

  • Better MIME sniffing when Content-Type header missing


  • Handle invalid UTF-8 sequences in Chinese PDF documents
  • Various stability fixes

5.28 Maintenance Release

Version: 5.28.1804.0 unsupported
Platform: macOS
Date: January 22, 2018


  • Various stability fixes

5.27 Maintenance Release

Version: 5.27.1802.0 unsupported
Platform: macOS
Date: November 9, 2017

New Features

  • Improved scan performance


  • Improved display of URLs in Arabic and Hebrew
  • Aligned robots.txt processing with Google's robots.txt specification
  • Better speech output in VoiceOver
  • Various stability fixes

5.26 Maintenance Release

Version: 5.26.1794.0 unsupported
Platform: macOS
Date: August 2, 2017

New Features

  • Various performance enhancements


  • Various stability fixes
  • Better detection of duplicate pages

5.25 Maintenance Release

Version: 5.25.1790.0 unsupported
Platform: macOS
Date: May 18, 2017

New Features

  • Various performance enhancements
  • Import command
  • Find command
  • Redesigned welcome page


  • Various stability fixes

5.2 Maintenance Release

Version: 5.2.1780.0 unsupported
Platform: macOS
Date: January 27, 2017

New Features

  • Various performance enhancements


  • Various stability fixes

5.1 Maintenance Release

Version: 5.1.1772.0 unsupported
Platform: macOS
Date: October 25, 2016

New Features

  • Edit map window allows maps to be re-arranged


  • Various stability fixes
  • Didn't reset all settings in Factory Reset

5.0 Maintenance Release

Version: 5.0.1768.0 unsupported
Platform: macOS
Date: July 14, 2016

New Features

  • Reduced memory requirements on large sites


  • Various stability fixes

4.0 Maintenance Release

Version: 4.0.1756.0 unsupported
Platform: macOS
Date: April 8, 2016

New Features

  • Support Mac system proxy settings


  • Blocked links were ignored for 301 and 302 redirects
  • Various stability fixes

3.0 Maintenance Release

Version: 3.0.1750.0 unsupported
Platform: macOS
Date: January 28, 2016

New Features

  • Much faster starting
  • Replaced Breakpad crash reporter with Crashpad


  • Was unable to scan pages that returned '201 Created' HTTP code instead of '200 OK'
  • Display warning if user tries to check Welcome page of application
  • Various stability fixes

2.0 Maintenance Release

Version: 2.0.1740.0 unsupported
Platform: macOS
Date: November 17, 2015


  • Can scan sites using HTTP basic authentication.
  • Functionally identical to PowerMapper 5.19 for Windows with the exception of some map customization options.


  • Fixed drawing problem with 3D buttons style on large sites.
  • Problem extracting links from pages with invalid HEAD section.
  • Cancelling a scan on a large site could take a long time.
  • Fixed a crash on OS X 10.11.
  • Fixed a problem where site map sometimes wasn't displayed.

1.0 Maintenance Release

Version: 1.0.1734.0 unsupported
Platform: macOS
Date: August 16, 2015


  • Initial release for Mac OS X.
  • Functionally identical to PowerMapper 5.18 for Windows with the exception of some map customization options.