Editing map structure PowerMapper Desktop Manual

To edit site structure click the Edit Map button on the sidebar to display the site tree.

Hiding and showing pages

Sometimes you don’t want all pages displayed on the site map (e.g. a copyright page). Each page is represented by an icon in the site tree on the left side of the PowerMapper window.

  1. Untick the checkbox next to the page icon to hide the page and all its sub-pages
  2. Tick the checkbox next to the page icon to show the page and all its sub-pages

Moving pages

PowerMapper usually does a good job of guessing site structure, but cannot always get it right, so you can move pages around once a site has been mapped. When planning or re-engineering a site you can prototype this by moving pages around in the site tree.

Each page is represented by an icon in the site tree on the left side of the PowerMapper window. To move a page and all its child pages:

  1. Click and drag the page to a new location
  2. Drop the page at the left edge of an existing page to put it at the same level
  3. Drop the page at the right edge of an existing page to make it a sub-page

Renaming pages

Maps display either Full Titles (extracted from the HTML document title), Short Titles (a summarized version of the full title), or URLs.

To change the short title of a page:

  1. Right click on the page in the site tree on the left side of the PowerMapper window
  2. Choose Rename
  3. Type in a new name and hit enter

To change the full title or URL:

  1. Right click on the page in the site tree on the left side of the PowerMapper window
  2. Choose Properties
  3. Enter new values for the full title, short title or URL and click OK

Renaming batches of pages

To change the titles of a batch of pages:

  1. Export the site map and choose the Excel Page Titles CSV export format
  2. Open the the exported file in Excel, OpenOffice or a text editor
  3. Change the titles
  4. Save the changes, making sure the file is saved in CSV format
  5. Import the saved CSV file

This feature is not available in PowerMapper Standard.

Adding new pages

When planning or re-engineering a site it’s often helpful to add placeholders for pages that don’t yet exist. To add a new page:

  1. Select a page by clicking on the site tree on the left side of the PowerMapper window
  2. Right click on a page icon and select New Page… from the popup menu
  3. Enter a page title, URL and choose a page thumbnail
  4. Click OK

This feature is not available in PowerMapper Standard.

Adding and editing notes

Maps can display notes next to each page title. To add a note:

  1. Right click on a page
  2. Choose Properties from the popup menu
  3. Select the Notes tab in the properties window
  4. Click OK

This feature is not available in PowerMapper Standard.