Block or exclude specific pages or folders TN-W10

You may want ignore certain pages or exclude sections of a site, such as print versions of HTML pages. To block links:

  1. Choose the:
    • Options command from the View menu (Windows) or
    • Scan Options button on the toolbar (Mac) or
    • Edit Scan at the top of the scan report (OnDemand)
  2. Click on the Blocks tab
  3. Enter a list of the blocked files or folders in the Blocked Links box, one per line

Wildcards are allowed in each blocked link entry:

  1. block a single page
  2.* block all pages in the directory named /folder
  3. *.pdf block all files with a PDF extension
  4. *.xls block all files with an XLS extension
  5. *Print_Version* block all files with Print_Version somewhere in the address

Applies To: PowerMapper 4.14 and SortSite 3.0 and later

Last Reviewed: December 19, 2016